Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Journal # 7 - Pick the Perp

As I began to look at the website- Pick the Perp, I was wonder what does the message that this is trying to give to the viewer. It was strange and in way kind of entertaining to say the least. At the same time ,I was taken back at how I was being to quick to judge the people that I was choosing. I only pick the right person for the crime they did about a total of about 5 times out of over 10 minutes that I was picking and choosing. As time went on, I realized how the website related to the last chapter we analyzed, Scientific Looking, Looking at Science because there was a part of the chapter that dealt with using cameras for the criminal justice system.
It become a popular and common practice in the 19th century for people in hospitals and also people with medical conditions. In prisons and in hospitals, images were used to create a visual for workers and doctors to distiguies between each person. Using these types of mug shot photographs were to document their facial expressions. This became a project to see the human expressions and the varieties of physically types. The camera was able to catch spontaneous motion and facial expression escpcailly in situation such as taking mug shots. Taking a photograph has can show true emotions and can show a person feelings, but a simple expression.

Today, photographs are a crucial part of our society and media. We capture pictures everyday to show emotion and personality. In the website, it was important to show the view the emotion of the people at that time in which their mug shot was being take. Photography is a great and useful tool. In the website, I wasn't able to clearly to distinguish who had done which crime. We make judgements about peoples appearance, when we shouldn't. This is something that our society has drilled into our heads. We make perceived judgements about people by the way they talk and look. I enjoyed this journal, I thought it was an interesting twist on how people look at photographs of someone and feel as if they can judge someone by their appearance in a photo.

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