Sunday, May 10, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Journal 11- Money as debt
The first opening of the video, " Money as Debt", caught my eye from the very start. The beginning was a series of facts and quotes from important economist and leading people in the economic world. The video had commentary by a man, which for me as the view, has a strong affect. It starts of talking about, Where does money come from?, which is a good question. It comes from the government. We all know that banks have the ability to give out loans to people, but in the long run, this process actually hurt our country today and has put us in the situation we are in right now. The banks state that they can give people money, because the borrowers statement that they sign, stating that they can pay them back in a certain amount of time. This is not the case though, this is why were are in the place we are know, because people cant pay the banks back. The banks were giving out to much money, to people who couldn't find away to pay they back.
Then the video goes to inform about the money system today. The basic idea of money has changed over the years. Today money is represented as debt. If both the government and also the banks can create money, than how much money is really being passed around in the economy and how much money does exist? Its weird to think about these ideas because a person wonders, where is my money actually going? The movie states that banks don't lend money, they are the ones who are creating debt. If there were no debt, than there would be no money. The great depression is equivalent to the time were are in now. We are depending on big bank corporation to help get us out of this mess, but for us to function as a stable society, more debt needs to be created. The difference between money loaned and money created is growing more and more every day. The money being loaned was sky rocked compared to the money being made.
From an Advertising perspective, I believe that this business can never really fail. Right now I think it is important for business to come out unique and intelligent ads and commercial to help sell products. I don't think that there will be a downfall for Ad. companies. There is always a need for advertisements so products sell. Its important to send money on products, that will do well and exceed expectation.
To help turn our economy around, we need a different concept of money. We need to think differently than we did before. From a personal point of view, I think that we put ourselves in the economic state that we are in right now. The bank also contributed to this, but at the same time, people couldn't pay the banks back. My father is a business man, who runs a small company and he said this was one of the hard times in his career. We need to be careful with what we spend and try and help the situation we are in.
Then the video goes to inform about the money system today. The basic idea of money has changed over the years. Today money is represented as debt. If both the government and also the banks can create money, than how much money is really being passed around in the economy and how much money does exist? Its weird to think about these ideas because a person wonders, where is my money actually going? The movie states that banks don't lend money, they are the ones who are creating debt. If there were no debt, than there would be no money. The great depression is equivalent to the time were are in now. We are depending on big bank corporation to help get us out of this mess, but for us to function as a stable society, more debt needs to be created. The difference between money loaned and money created is growing more and more every day. The money being loaned was sky rocked compared to the money being made.
From an Advertising perspective, I believe that this business can never really fail. Right now I think it is important for business to come out unique and intelligent ads and commercial to help sell products. I don't think that there will be a downfall for Ad. companies. There is always a need for advertisements so products sell. Its important to send money on products, that will do well and exceed expectation.
To help turn our economy around, we need a different concept of money. We need to think differently than we did before. From a personal point of view, I think that we put ourselves in the economic state that we are in right now. The bank also contributed to this, but at the same time, people couldn't pay the banks back. My father is a business man, who runs a small company and he said this was one of the hard times in his career. We need to be careful with what we spend and try and help the situation we are in.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Journal # 10 - Century of Self
The Century of self by Adam Curtris, is series, which talks about how power has used Freud's theories to try and control the dangerous crowd in an age of mass democracy. He believed that people had a dangerous and instinctive drives in side myselves. He created a method called phsycoanylasis, which analyzes dreams. These dreams have the ability to connect people with their animal past. He formed this idea of expressing the uncousious mind. Its being able to realize that people have hidden ideas or uncousious thoughts.
America has become a mass society. The ability to try and get into the minds of Americans thoughts and feelings was an important task. Freud believed that there is much more to an audiovisual mind than we think. The idea that information drives behavior. Then the thought of trying to come up with ideas that would play to peoples irrational emotions. The idea which was brought up about women smoking because more men do it, was an idea that I didn't understand. I thought that it was an irrational idea to believe. But the idea of women smoking because to create a epidemic of women beginning this new tired to believe that smoking was cool. The video goes into the idea that if a person links emotion appeal to a product more people would be open to purchase the product. The way to sell a product was to make a person feel like they absolutely need the product. Products were being seld as necessicties. Coprotations had to transform the way indiuviausl thought about buying products. The movie stated,"we must shift amercian from a needs to a desire, people must be trained to desire,we a must shape a new maintaillity. Companies are ready to understand Freud's idea, of what motiavated the human mind.
The video, shows how women percieve themselves as an object to look at. I feel like this is a case right now in our society.Women think that there bodies are something for people to look at. Society puts this message in our heads that, women need to look and act a certain way to be liked. From a personal point of view, I believe that the media does put a stress on women to be a certain way. It is stressful, and can break a person phsycail and emotoinal feeling down. Its draining to constaintly think that you must look perfect, so you wont be judged.
Freud's idea about the ideas of the unconcious mind becoming more aware, I beleive is fact. His ideas are true. This was an intresting video and it has opened my eyes to how the mind works and how it can be manipulated.
America has become a mass society. The ability to try and get into the minds of Americans thoughts and feelings was an important task. Freud believed that there is much more to an audiovisual mind than we think. The idea that information drives behavior. Then the thought of trying to come up with ideas that would play to peoples irrational emotions. The idea which was brought up about women smoking because more men do it, was an idea that I didn't understand. I thought that it was an irrational idea to believe. But the idea of women smoking because to create a epidemic of women beginning this new tired to believe that smoking was cool. The video goes into the idea that if a person links emotion appeal to a product more people would be open to purchase the product. The way to sell a product was to make a person feel like they absolutely need the product. Products were being seld as necessicties. Coprotations had to transform the way indiuviausl thought about buying products. The movie stated,"we must shift amercian from a needs to a desire, people must be trained to desire,we a must shape a new maintaillity. Companies are ready to understand Freud's idea, of what motiavated the human mind.
The video, shows how women percieve themselves as an object to look at. I feel like this is a case right now in our society.Women think that there bodies are something for people to look at. Society puts this message in our heads that, women need to look and act a certain way to be liked. From a personal point of view, I believe that the media does put a stress on women to be a certain way. It is stressful, and can break a person phsycail and emotoinal feeling down. Its draining to constaintly think that you must look perfect, so you wont be judged.
Freud's idea about the ideas of the unconcious mind becoming more aware, I beleive is fact. His ideas are true. This was an intresting video and it has opened my eyes to how the mind works and how it can be manipulated.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Journal # 7 - Pick the Perp
As I began to look at the website- Pick the Perp, I was wonder what does the message that this is trying to give to the viewer. It was strange and in way kind of entertaining to say the least. At the same time ,I was taken back at how I was being to quick to judge the people that I was choosing. I only pick the right person for the crime they did about a total of about 5 times out of over 10 minutes that I was picking and choosing. As time went on, I realized how the website related to the last chapter we analyzed, Scientific Looking, Looking at Science because there was a part of the chapter that dealt with using cameras for the criminal justice system.
It become a popular and common practice in the 19th century for people in hospitals and also people with medical conditions. In prisons and in hospitals, images were used to create a visual for workers and doctors to distiguies between each person. Using these types of mug shot photographs were to document their facial expressions. This became a project to see the human expressions and the varieties of physically types. The camera was able to catch spontaneous motion and facial expression escpcailly in situation such as taking mug shots. Taking a photograph has can show true emotions and can show a person feelings, but a simple expression.
Today, photographs are a crucial part of our society and media. We capture pictures everyday to show emotion and personality. In the website, it was important to show the view the emotion of the people at that time in which their mug shot was being take. Photography is a great and useful tool. In the website, I wasn't able to clearly to distinguish who had done which crime. We make judgements about peoples appearance, when we shouldn't. This is something that our society has drilled into our heads. We make perceived judgements about people by the way they talk and look. I enjoyed this journal, I thought it was an interesting twist on how people look at photographs of someone and feel as if they can judge someone by their appearance in a photo.
It become a popular and common practice in the 19th century for people in hospitals and also people with medical conditions. In prisons and in hospitals, images were used to create a visual for workers and doctors to distiguies between each person. Using these types of mug shot photographs were to document their facial expressions. This became a project to see the human expressions and the varieties of physically types. The camera was able to catch spontaneous motion and facial expression escpcailly in situation such as taking mug shots. Taking a photograph has can show true emotions and can show a person feelings, but a simple expression.
Today, photographs are a crucial part of our society and media. We capture pictures everyday to show emotion and personality. In the website, it was important to show the view the emotion of the people at that time in which their mug shot was being take. Photography is a great and useful tool. In the website, I wasn't able to clearly to distinguish who had done which crime. We make judgements about peoples appearance, when we shouldn't. This is something that our society has drilled into our heads. We make perceived judgements about people by the way they talk and look. I enjoyed this journal, I thought it was an interesting twist on how people look at photographs of someone and feel as if they can judge someone by their appearance in a photo.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Chapter 9
In chapter 9, Scientific Looking, Looking at science emphasises on the way images affect a wide range of audiences and the way people perceive certain messages. The chapter grasps the development of scientific images and looking practices as it helps the ideas of cultural context. Also the chapter, talks about how culturally informed interpretation such as images influence our pop culture, art and the news. Michel Foucault's states, "we can analyze how the discourses of science, like all discourse, change over time, allowing for new subjects position to emerge and new ways of speaking about science to come into being" (pg 347). I feel like this term means that science does change over time, there are new inventions being created and new technologies need to invented.
The term Scientific looking does not happen in isolation from other cultural forms. The reading states that its vitally important that we as a society we see scientific images as importance to the productions and meaning of images in popular culture. Scientific images have a strong meaning. Ever since the creation of photography in the 19th century, media images and imaging have become a crucial aspect of history and the development of photography, film and digital media (pg 348). The come the rise of digital imaging, has created a entirely new aspect of imaging. Visualization has also risen to a new level in aspects such as digital display.
Leonardo was one of the most influential artist of his time. Throughout history he was an artist who used scientific methods in his works and become one of the greatest artist who used both science and art within his work.
The desire to look into and at part of practicing surgery become popular in the late 19th century. The example used in the reading , was the "Gross Clinic", by Thomas Eakins. Last year in my Art History class, this piece was in a part of the sections we learned about, in which we studied based on Realism , which become popular in the 19th century. The realism aspect of many paintings during this time brought about a new way of looking at pieces and being able to relate to them. As photography developed in the 19th century, so did the ability to see into the body through advanced technology. The X-ray provided a relationship between science and images. The interrelationships between art, science and popular consumption was extremely important during this time also. The desire to see art and science in one become something that was out of the ordinary. Scientific images have played a vital role as evidence in science and also with medicine. Photography, seems to be an important theme evolving through out this reading. Photography immediately was used a strong medium for expressing science and medicine ideas. These types of photos, were used to provide visual records of phenomena and experiments (pg 356). These types of images were used to document multiple disease and to record data.
The camera also came into context, having the ability to be used a aid for vision. It become an aspect to see the" unseen", to record the invisible aspects of the world. In the scientific world, Doctors, used photographs as a tool to examine physical representation, measurements (pg 350). The role of performance in medical study during this time showed evidence within photographs and drawings, such as French neurologist, Jean- Martin Charcot, who used this type of process. While looking at photographic studies, it was based on observation and measurement. Its states, that it will reflect the "truth" in these type of photographs, because its reflected by observation.
Science creates the ability promote images to be able to see the truth beyond the human eye and giving insight into the questions we all wonder about the body. Images help tell the meaning behind the body such as it can tell one about gender, ideology and disease through photographs. Ultrasound ,created another form of medical investigation. It provides a visual a window into the body which we can see the unknown. Being able to see the bodies interior started tension between the idea that truth is self -evident in the surface appearance of things (pg 369). In the past decades of the 20th century, the medicine world has evolved into great hopes and new technologies.
Science helped bring upon the rise of new technologies such as photographs to help individuals see what can truly be seen. Scientific images have cultural meaning and can influence people perceptions. Through the reading I have learned that the rise of the visual culture of science helps people understand the relationships between science and culture.
I really enjoyed this chapter. It was by far the most interesting and I really learned a lot. I liked how the chapter revolved around photography and the beginning origins of it and how it related the science field. I am an Art Minor and i am currently in a Basic Photography class, and I absolutely love it.
The term Scientific looking does not happen in isolation from other cultural forms. The reading states that its vitally important that we as a society we see scientific images as importance to the productions and meaning of images in popular culture. Scientific images have a strong meaning. Ever since the creation of photography in the 19th century, media images and imaging have become a crucial aspect of history and the development of photography, film and digital media (pg 348). The come the rise of digital imaging, has created a entirely new aspect of imaging. Visualization has also risen to a new level in aspects such as digital display.
Leonardo was one of the most influential artist of his time. Throughout history he was an artist who used scientific methods in his works and become one of the greatest artist who used both science and art within his work.
The desire to look into and at part of practicing surgery become popular in the late 19th century. The example used in the reading , was the "Gross Clinic", by Thomas Eakins. Last year in my Art History class, this piece was in a part of the sections we learned about, in which we studied based on Realism , which become popular in the 19th century. The realism aspect of many paintings during this time brought about a new way of looking at pieces and being able to relate to them. As photography developed in the 19th century, so did the ability to see into the body through advanced technology. The X-ray provided a relationship between science and images. The interrelationships between art, science and popular consumption was extremely important during this time also. The desire to see art and science in one become something that was out of the ordinary. Scientific images have played a vital role as evidence in science and also with medicine. Photography, seems to be an important theme evolving through out this reading. Photography immediately was used a strong medium for expressing science and medicine ideas. These types of photos, were used to provide visual records of phenomena and experiments (pg 356). These types of images were used to document multiple disease and to record data.
The camera also came into context, having the ability to be used a aid for vision. It become an aspect to see the" unseen", to record the invisible aspects of the world. In the scientific world, Doctors, used photographs as a tool to examine physical representation, measurements (pg 350). The role of performance in medical study during this time showed evidence within photographs and drawings, such as French neurologist, Jean- Martin Charcot, who used this type of process. While looking at photographic studies, it was based on observation and measurement. Its states, that it will reflect the "truth" in these type of photographs, because its reflected by observation.
Science creates the ability promote images to be able to see the truth beyond the human eye and giving insight into the questions we all wonder about the body. Images help tell the meaning behind the body such as it can tell one about gender, ideology and disease through photographs. Ultrasound ,created another form of medical investigation. It provides a visual a window into the body which we can see the unknown. Being able to see the bodies interior started tension between the idea that truth is self -evident in the surface appearance of things (pg 369). In the past decades of the 20th century, the medicine world has evolved into great hopes and new technologies.
Science helped bring upon the rise of new technologies such as photographs to help individuals see what can truly be seen. Scientific images have cultural meaning and can influence people perceptions. Through the reading I have learned that the rise of the visual culture of science helps people understand the relationships between science and culture.
I really enjoyed this chapter. It was by far the most interesting and I really learned a lot. I liked how the chapter revolved around photography and the beginning origins of it and how it related the science field. I am an Art Minor and i am currently in a Basic Photography class, and I absolutely love it.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Journal #5, A day with out connections. Is it Possible?
After five days recording the media, I use most frequently, I decided that this would be a good journal entry to see if I could go a day without using any technologies or media sources. Lets see if I can do it!
Saturday you could write about the day, whether you really tried not to use the media, what broke you down, did the experiment make you think more abut what you were doing?)
This task for impossible for me. As you can see the entire week which I recorded all my media use, I used many of the tools almost religiously. I literaly tried not to use the media at all that day. I was not really in my dorm room at all saturday afternoon becasue I was participating in a girls football game from 1-5 in the afternoon. I thought that I could do this task becasue people used to be able to not use computures or pick up a cellphone when they wanted too. Know these tools are right at our fingure tips. After I came back from the game, I decided to stay away from the computer and hang out in my friends room. Its hard to stay away from media forms becasue there were surrouding my every move. Whether, I would turn around and there would be a tevlsion next to me, as my friends were watching or someone was listening to and I-POD on their dock.
Saturday you could write about the day, whether you really tried not to use the media, what broke you down, did the experiment make you think more abut what you were doing?)
This task for impossible for me. As you can see the entire week which I recorded all my media use, I used many of the tools almost religiously. I literaly tried not to use the media at all that day. I was not really in my dorm room at all saturday afternoon becasue I was participating in a girls football game from 1-5 in the afternoon. I thought that I could do this task becasue people used to be able to not use computures or pick up a cellphone when they wanted too. Know these tools are right at our fingure tips. After I came back from the game, I decided to stay away from the computer and hang out in my friends room. Its hard to stay away from media forms becasue there were surrouding my every move. Whether, I would turn around and there would be a tevlsion next to me, as my friends were watching or someone was listening to and I-POD on their dock.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Journal #4- My perspective on the media
I remember getting my first cell phone. It was after my eight grade graduation. I thought it was such a big deal that I got a something cool and new. I remember my dad having the very first cell phone which in a way resembled Zac Morris's telephone that he carried every where, From Save By the Bell. When I saw my dad cellphone, I always wanted one, and the day I got one on my 8th grade graduation, I thought I was very cool. I showed everyone who I knew the new little toy I just got. But as I grew up, the cell phone seem necessary, because it is. With out a cellphone, I don't know how I would communicate with people. Being at college and away from home, having a cell phone is a must. I need it to make call to my family, friends, and for important things that I do in my life. With out this form of media, or society would not know what to do. It is a much easier way to communicate, through text messaging or calling someone, it saves time.
When the Apple company came out with the IPOD, the way of music changed for ever. I remember getting my first IPOD, for Christmas. It was the pink ipod mini and i loved it. I uploaded all my music that I wanted, and I remember listening to U2's, Vertigo song, with my head phones in and my mini in my hand and I felt like I was on top of the world. The ipod, changed my life. Right now at this very minute I'm staying at my computer screen and listening to my I-tunes. I live for music, it is part of my life. I use my ipod, when I walk to class, go to the gym, when I'm doing art projects, or just laying around. I need it. The apple company, has changed society. Their many products have introduced a new way of technology and I think that there is much more to come!
When the Apple company came out with the IPOD, the way of music changed for ever. I remember getting my first IPOD, for Christmas. It was the pink ipod mini and i loved it. I uploaded all my music that I wanted, and I remember listening to U2's, Vertigo song, with my head phones in and my mini in my hand and I felt like I was on top of the world. The ipod, changed my life. Right now at this very minute I'm staying at my computer screen and listening to my I-tunes. I live for music, it is part of my life. I use my ipod, when I walk to class, go to the gym, when I'm doing art projects, or just laying around. I need it. The apple company, has changed society. Their many products have introduced a new way of technology and I think that there is much more to come!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Postmodernism, Indie Media and Popular Culture
Chapter 8, Postmodernism, Indie Media and Popular culture, was a reading that interested me. I enjoyed this reading because I left that it had aspects to which I could relate too based on the time many of these forms were taken place during.
Entering into the postmodern era of the Twenth century, media lost sight of what is real. Postmodern has multiple aspects such as society, identity and style. We are not living in a postmodern world. We are living in a place where we are surrounded by virtual technologies that has lead to an era of globalization (309). Our society has practiced "global Looking", which is understanding virtual media messages. The concepts of post modernity,postmodern society, and postmodern style are important aspects of this chapter. It talks about how all three of these concepts intersect with one another and also intertwine with modernity and modernism.
The idea of postmodernism began in the 1980's, by the attempt to understand the changing concepts of human subjects and the effects that globalization, postindustrialization,computerization and communication helped create worldviews of what society is perceived to be (pg310).
The reading began to discuss the difficulties of identity the origins of postmodernism. There was much discussion about whether postmodernism is a period, a set of style or a set of politics and ideologies (pg 311). Theorists used the tern postmodern to describe the post war, as a “cultural logic of late capitalism”. This phrase came to term by critic Fredric Jameson. Postmodernism, has been taught to be characterized as a response to the conditions of late modernity and then later linked stages of capitalism. It’s not just the style that is postmodernism it also links to changes in the social and economic conditions that help produce these styles. The changes that included the demise of the nation-state and the dissolution of national sovereignty is, Postmodernism. Thinker, David Harvey, expressed postmodernism as an economic and a cultural of flexible accumulation. Aspects of these theories have been around since the early 20th century and in the early 21st century.
Addressing the Post Modern Subject -
Postmodernism and postmodern styles are new kinds of human subjects. This style comes in forms of culture, art, literature, architecture, and advertising. These styles today, are are huge part of our media world. Now through these forms one can see how they create a mold to constitute new kinds of postmodern style. (pg. 316). In the 1990’s animated films began to grow in popularity, which dramatically shifted in style. Movies, such as Snow White and the popular television series, Sesame Street began to arouse many target audiences.
Reflexivity and Postmodern Identity
The reading states, that it is an important factor to make viewed aware of the means of production by incorporating individuals into the content of the product, was an important factor of modernism. This era brought on a new perspective of using strategies used by artist as a form of political critiques (322). Postmodernism, began to take art as a modern concept of reflexivity. The pop culture during this time, led postmodern artist to create work in a more abstract context. A photographer, Cindy Sherman is a good example of how artists took on this new perspective. Her works were a response to an era of feminist films. She wanted to challenge the view by showing the idea of, the “male gaze”. This ties into how men look at women as an object.
Some primary issues with ideas of postmodernism are the shifting of modernism and to which it created a new era. It began a new way of thinking and a new way of creating art. Like talked about in the beginning of the chapter, “we don’t live in a world of postmodernism but rather in a world of tension of modernity and post modernity are active and present (pg 343). From this perspective we are able to embrace many visions with the ideas from modern, postmodern and global and postindustrial approaches all in one.
Entering into the postmodern era of the Twenth century, media lost sight of what is real. Postmodern has multiple aspects such as society, identity and style. We are not living in a postmodern world. We are living in a place where we are surrounded by virtual technologies that has lead to an era of globalization (309). Our society has practiced "global Looking", which is understanding virtual media messages. The concepts of post modernity,postmodern society, and postmodern style are important aspects of this chapter. It talks about how all three of these concepts intersect with one another and also intertwine with modernity and modernism.
The idea of postmodernism began in the 1980's, by the attempt to understand the changing concepts of human subjects and the effects that globalization, postindustrialization,computerization and communication helped create worldviews of what society is perceived to be (pg310).
The reading began to discuss the difficulties of identity the origins of postmodernism. There was much discussion about whether postmodernism is a period, a set of style or a set of politics and ideologies (pg 311). Theorists used the tern postmodern to describe the post war, as a “cultural logic of late capitalism”. This phrase came to term by critic Fredric Jameson. Postmodernism, has been taught to be characterized as a response to the conditions of late modernity and then later linked stages of capitalism. It’s not just the style that is postmodernism it also links to changes in the social and economic conditions that help produce these styles. The changes that included the demise of the nation-state and the dissolution of national sovereignty is, Postmodernism. Thinker, David Harvey, expressed postmodernism as an economic and a cultural of flexible accumulation. Aspects of these theories have been around since the early 20th century and in the early 21st century.
Addressing the Post Modern Subject -
Postmodernism and postmodern styles are new kinds of human subjects. This style comes in forms of culture, art, literature, architecture, and advertising. These styles today, are are huge part of our media world. Now through these forms one can see how they create a mold to constitute new kinds of postmodern style. (pg. 316). In the 1990’s animated films began to grow in popularity, which dramatically shifted in style. Movies, such as Snow White and the popular television series, Sesame Street began to arouse many target audiences.
Reflexivity and Postmodern Identity
The reading states, that it is an important factor to make viewed aware of the means of production by incorporating individuals into the content of the product, was an important factor of modernism. This era brought on a new perspective of using strategies used by artist as a form of political critiques (322). Postmodernism, began to take art as a modern concept of reflexivity. The pop culture during this time, led postmodern artist to create work in a more abstract context. A photographer, Cindy Sherman is a good example of how artists took on this new perspective. Her works were a response to an era of feminist films. She wanted to challenge the view by showing the idea of, the “male gaze”. This ties into how men look at women as an object.
Some primary issues with ideas of postmodernism are the shifting of modernism and to which it created a new era. It began a new way of thinking and a new way of creating art. Like talked about in the beginning of the chapter, “we don’t live in a world of postmodernism but rather in a world of tension of modernity and post modernity are active and present (pg 343). From this perspective we are able to embrace many visions with the ideas from modern, postmodern and global and postindustrial approaches all in one.
Journal Entry #3
This is going to be My Media Journal, kept from Monday - Friday. I am going to write down all the media tools that I use with in these next five days. The reasoning for this is to show, how much I use media. Then after friday, on saturday, Im going to try to not use any type of media for a day and see how it goes!
1. Morning-First thing, when I woke up -Went right to the computer
2. I lost my cell phone in the couch in the A.M- Felt lost with out it, even for a short period of time.
3. ipod- for the gym
3. Afternoon- class - need my camera for photography
4.Night- Computer, Cellphone, Televsion
1. Morning- Get Woken up by cell phone alarm,
2. listen to ipod on dock, while getting ready
3. Worked with computures during class-used internet also.
4. Afternoon-checked email
5. checked my cellphone
6. charging my ipod
Morning- Computer- to check emails
2. ipod for gym
3. TV. at the gym
4. Cell phone to call my sister for her birthday
5. Camera- for class
6. cell phone-all night
8. TV at night
1. Computer, check emails
2.Ipod for gym and Tv at the gym also
3. on computer again before lunch
4. computer before class
5. listening to i-tunes while doing work
6. have my cellphone right next too me
1. Morning-First thing, when I woke up -Went right to the computer
2. I lost my cell phone in the couch in the A.M- Felt lost with out it, even for a short period of time.
3. ipod- for the gym
3. Afternoon- class - need my camera for photography
4.Night- Computer, Cellphone, Televsion
1. Morning- Get Woken up by cell phone alarm,
2. listen to ipod on dock, while getting ready
3. Worked with computures during class-used internet also.
4. Afternoon-checked email
5. checked my cellphone
6. charging my ipod
Morning- Computer- to check emails
2. ipod for gym
3. TV. at the gym
4. Cell phone to call my sister for her birthday
5. Camera- for class
6. cell phone-all night
8. TV at night
1. Computer, check emails
2.Ipod for gym and Tv at the gym also
3. on computer again before lunch
4. computer before class
5. listening to i-tunes while doing work
6. have my cellphone right next too me
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Journal Entry #2
This is a website, I created, in one of my classes. I used multiple programs including, Photo shop,Illustrator, Indesign, Flash, Dream weaver and more. I hope that this can count as a journal entire.
This is a website, I created, in one of my classes. I used multiple programs including, Photo shop,Illustrator, Indesign, Flash, Dream weaver and more. I hope that this can count as a journal entire.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Media in Everyday Life
If we look around us, we see media in multiple forms surrounding us every day. The media is in our everyday lives and it’s something that we can’t escape. If we were to look around, we have multiple forms of media at our every move, and we tend to take them for granted. In the reading, Media in Everyday life, expresses ideas of mass media and the media cultures through the twentieth century to the present. This chapter expresses how certain Medias have sculptured people’s perception of media events. It’s important for people to start understand the concept of mass media and how it helps us relates to media and ourselves.
In the 19th century the meaning of “masses “had been introduced. It has been described as the changes in societies and the emergence of the working class. Karl Marx, who had been talked about in the last passage also expressed his concept of masses. The term mass media came into context during the post World War II era, which brought on an era which started the broadcast television throughout the world.
Electronic Media, such as media as the Internet, cell phone and wireless communication has help transform the mass media throughout the 80’s till the present time 2009. While other expresses there concern of media which is related to the outlets of radio and televisions, they express concern relation to the access to the means in which the media production, is molding society.
Media Forms:
Medium is expressed in the means of mediation of communication articulated in the passage. Refining to the group of communication industries and technologies that together make up and spread public news and information creating a buzz of entertainment for all (pg 229). Medium, also relates to the technologies through which messages are created. The reading bring up, Marshall McLuhan, who in the 1960’s created a meaning that the medium is an extension of ourselves through technological forms (pg. 229). Like discussed before, the medium itself, is the media is a voice or technology such as radio, television, internet, and how it creates impacts on the audiences and the meaning that it is trying to communicate. There is also an important aspect of both political and cultural different in how we understand media messages in our lives (pg 230).
Media is presented in multiple forms. The presentation of news from the different aspects of media influences and affects our perception. Media has the ability to change society’s vision. As the viewers, we see communications technologies as empowering tools used by people to exchange ideas. McLuhan’s, Medium is the message and global village has been brought up in this passage. His theories have been influential in the media world. It helps people grasp a better understanding and helps us view the world in a different way. His theories based on the media’s messages affected local, national and global cultures in the 1960’s and 1970’s. He thought that media technologies had the ability to have great power and would affect individuals by using messages to reach our senses. The “message” of the medium, was an important aspect because it dieted how one’s personal experiences, affect they use of technologies (pg 244).
“The public sphere is a concept that is brought up frequently in the reading. It is the meaning, in which the public discussion and debate. It is a ideally a space-physical place, social setting or media arena, in which citizens come together to debate and discuss the issues in a society(pg 248). I enjoyed this reading over the other ones that we read in the past. It is true, if you look around, media is surrounding us constantly. It is part of us, we live it, use it, see it. There is no way to escape it.
In the 19th century the meaning of “masses “had been introduced. It has been described as the changes in societies and the emergence of the working class. Karl Marx, who had been talked about in the last passage also expressed his concept of masses. The term mass media came into context during the post World War II era, which brought on an era which started the broadcast television throughout the world.
Electronic Media, such as media as the Internet, cell phone and wireless communication has help transform the mass media throughout the 80’s till the present time 2009. While other expresses there concern of media which is related to the outlets of radio and televisions, they express concern relation to the access to the means in which the media production, is molding society.
Media Forms:
Medium is expressed in the means of mediation of communication articulated in the passage. Refining to the group of communication industries and technologies that together make up and spread public news and information creating a buzz of entertainment for all (pg 229). Medium, also relates to the technologies through which messages are created. The reading bring up, Marshall McLuhan, who in the 1960’s created a meaning that the medium is an extension of ourselves through technological forms (pg. 229). Like discussed before, the medium itself, is the media is a voice or technology such as radio, television, internet, and how it creates impacts on the audiences and the meaning that it is trying to communicate. There is also an important aspect of both political and cultural different in how we understand media messages in our lives (pg 230).
Media is presented in multiple forms. The presentation of news from the different aspects of media influences and affects our perception. Media has the ability to change society’s vision. As the viewers, we see communications technologies as empowering tools used by people to exchange ideas. McLuhan’s, Medium is the message and global village has been brought up in this passage. His theories have been influential in the media world. It helps people grasp a better understanding and helps us view the world in a different way. His theories based on the media’s messages affected local, national and global cultures in the 1960’s and 1970’s. He thought that media technologies had the ability to have great power and would affect individuals by using messages to reach our senses. The “message” of the medium, was an important aspect because it dieted how one’s personal experiences, affect they use of technologies (pg 244).
“The public sphere is a concept that is brought up frequently in the reading. It is the meaning, in which the public discussion and debate. It is a ideally a space-physical place, social setting or media arena, in which citizens come together to debate and discuss the issues in a society(pg 248). I enjoyed this reading over the other ones that we read in the past. It is true, if you look around, media is surrounding us constantly. It is part of us, we live it, use it, see it. There is no way to escape it.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Chapter 5
This chapter revolved around the significant of ideology and how it relates with social theory. The reading goes into much detail about the concepts of ideology, dominant ideology, hegemony and disclosure. The reading also showed how multiple types of media can challenge pre existing public disclosure using references such as what an “audience” and what they believe in. The main points that were focused on were on Ideology, as dominant ideology. “Dominant Ideology, means a wider range of ideologies that potentially may exist within media content”. The first concept of ideology arose with Karl Marx, and then came along John Thompson’s, who attempted to save the meaning behind ideology. From this reading, many people had opinions on their ideas of what ideology is and how it affects people’s perceptions of mass media.
The role that the mass media plays in challenging unequal relationships of power are expressed though the reproduction of ideology and how it has always been a problem especially with media studies. A quote that stuck out to me was, Our main challenge is to considered how ordinary, everyday media context performs an ideological power is exercised in telling stories about power relationships”(152).
A main theory that was expressed throughout the reading was John B. Thompson’s, Ideology and Modern Culture. This contribution has helped to understand ideology, and the mass media’s role in the production and the reproduction of ideology. His work, expresses that, “our” thinking about ideology should be refocused on the interrelations of meaning and power and especially on how meaning serves to maintain relations of domination”. Thompson’s uses the term dominant ideology to express the meaning of unequal power relations and the implications that go with it. His works talks a lot about the importance of “ideology analysis”. The term intertwines with the ideas of media and communication studies.
Ideology is an important term as it relates to the belief of both social theory and media analysis. This begins to test all areas of mass media. Through this, ideology begins to taken form in the context of the media. The main challenge is that it appears to be ordinary; it takes on a role of telling stories and creating power within relationships.
Also another main point that the chapter goes into detail about, is Ideology: our approach. I felt like it was a part within the chapter that was important. It goes into detail about how we are interested in examining interrelationships of meaning and the power that it gives off. The mass media plays large role with the circulations of ideologies. Mass media organizations connect with ideologies because there is so much that co insides with ideas and thoughts which are created by the communication industry.
The role that the mass media plays in challenging unequal relationships of power are expressed though the reproduction of ideology and how it has always been a problem especially with media studies. A quote that stuck out to me was, Our main challenge is to considered how ordinary, everyday media context performs an ideological power is exercised in telling stories about power relationships”(152).
A main theory that was expressed throughout the reading was John B. Thompson’s, Ideology and Modern Culture. This contribution has helped to understand ideology, and the mass media’s role in the production and the reproduction of ideology. His work, expresses that, “our” thinking about ideology should be refocused on the interrelations of meaning and power and especially on how meaning serves to maintain relations of domination”. Thompson’s uses the term dominant ideology to express the meaning of unequal power relations and the implications that go with it. His works talks a lot about the importance of “ideology analysis”. The term intertwines with the ideas of media and communication studies.
Ideology is an important term as it relates to the belief of both social theory and media analysis. This begins to test all areas of mass media. Through this, ideology begins to taken form in the context of the media. The main challenge is that it appears to be ordinary; it takes on a role of telling stories and creating power within relationships.
Also another main point that the chapter goes into detail about, is Ideology: our approach. I felt like it was a part within the chapter that was important. It goes into detail about how we are interested in examining interrelationships of meaning and the power that it gives off. The mass media plays large role with the circulations of ideologies. Mass media organizations connect with ideologies because there is so much that co insides with ideas and thoughts which are created by the communication industry.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Self Portrait 2
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Frontline: The Merchants of Cool
I really enjoyed the Frontline, Merchants of Cool mini documentary. I thought it was extremely interesting piece on” Selling Cool”. As a teen myself watching it, I felt like everything they were saying was true. Teenagers are most defiantly an important factor when trying to sell certain products. If a teenager doesn’t think that something is “cool”, then a product will potentially fail. In today’s generation there needs to be an “It Factor”, if it’s acceptable to the teenagers than it will be acceptable to all people. The first segment talks about how teenagers are the largest generation since the baby boomers. They have more to say and it’s much harder to please them. The concept of “cool” keeps changing so it becomes difficult to target a certain product for a long period of time. One day teenagers may thinking something is great, but the next everyone will have it and it won’t be cool anymore. Today, teens hangout at malls because it’s the “cool” thing to do. Advertisers now have to make a marketing message geared toward teens that would be appealing in places that they hang out such as malls. Teens are surrounded by a “Blizzard of Brands”, and it’s important for companies to catch the attention of teens. If not, then that product will fail and will not have the approval of the young, growing generation. It is also important to get the message in “their” terms, meaning that its crucial to get the message that they approve of and understand. The mini video also had a segment about companies, which have spies, who go undercover and find out what teens like, this is called “Cool Hunting”. They look for teens that seem like “trend setters”, or give off an impression that what they wear is cool.The segment relating to Youth Culture, stuck out to me because it was true. The example they used in the video was the company, Sprite. Sprite used a method of selling a certain image, which was that hip-hop, was cool. Sprite began to transform and became one of the leading products at that time. Then it went to talk about, five companies that also wanted to sell cool. These companies geared toward the teen market. An example that was most frequently used was MTV. This company wanted to target teens because they (teens) were an outlet that would lead MTV to become an unstoppable force. Teens loved the aspect of MTV. From a personal point of view, I remember watching MTV most of my teenage years and loving it. I thought it was “cool” and I always wanted to watch it. MTV had corrupted the teen population. It has a way of making people obsessed and also they relate it to their audience which is teenagers.The rest of the video talked about image and how both boys and girls are trying to capture of the “hot factor”. Girls will use their body as an outlet to get noticed. All in all, the media has geared their aims toward teenagers because they will react. If a teenager approves a certain product than that product will succeed. Advertisers are trying to understand the mind of the generation. It’s a hard task, but it is one of the most important. Without the teenager generation, companies wouldn’t be growing and making profit. It’s crucial to sell cool. This idea of selling cool will always be around. As new generations form, there will be a need and a demand for new and more inventive products. Teenagers are hard to impress and it’s just going to get harderto come up with something that they will like.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Chapter 3 Synopsis
Media Ownership: Concentration and Conglomeration
In chapter three, Media ownership: Concentration and Conglomeration focuses on ownership and control of the everyday media. This passage deals with media ownership in the sense how a shift moved towards concentration and conglomeration when dealing with the structure of many media type industries. When investigating the increased concentration of the media, the concepts of the “public sphere come into play and how it is applied to the internet.
Non-profit, public or private ownership influences the content that the media may portray. The continuum of media ownership can show the differences between the three ownerships. Community based ownership, which could be represented as local radio can be organized on a non-profit level using specific interest groups (pg 89). Not-for –Profit media attracts small audience that have budgets that they try to meet the needs of a community. State ownership has a certain control over television, newspaper and radio. Media can also be privately owned. Media can be owned by families, companies, and also individuals. As the media ownership grows, alliances form with other larger companies, which could potentially causes risks. As concentration increases, it is said that many faults may be hidden within the” media world”. At the same time media ownership is increasing within both concentration and conglomeration (my 92).
Society is filled with many media outlets that depend on the economy. When looking into the aspect of the economy perspective of the media, is had been changing throughout history. The political economy preservative has two main aspects which are the cultural production and the cultural consumption (my 102). Examining the relationship between the structure of ownership and cultural production is very important when tying them together with political economist.
Trying to understand the importance of the changing patterns in media ownership is essential. The reading explored the aspects of concentration and conglomeration and how it has lead to an uproar in the media industry. Throughout history the media had changed dramatically. The main change had occurred in the structure of the media. The media has altered to the channels of “reality” television and has created a entirely new outlook on the media (pg104). It has created more profit for companies and has put a new preservative for new and more inventive twist on the media. As conglomeration increases the media space becomes filled with the ways of advertising and outlets of communication.
In chapter three, Media ownership: Concentration and Conglomeration focuses on ownership and control of the everyday media. This passage deals with media ownership in the sense how a shift moved towards concentration and conglomeration when dealing with the structure of many media type industries. When investigating the increased concentration of the media, the concepts of the “public sphere come into play and how it is applied to the internet.
Non-profit, public or private ownership influences the content that the media may portray. The continuum of media ownership can show the differences between the three ownerships. Community based ownership, which could be represented as local radio can be organized on a non-profit level using specific interest groups (pg 89). Not-for –Profit media attracts small audience that have budgets that they try to meet the needs of a community. State ownership has a certain control over television, newspaper and radio. Media can also be privately owned. Media can be owned by families, companies, and also individuals. As the media ownership grows, alliances form with other larger companies, which could potentially causes risks. As concentration increases, it is said that many faults may be hidden within the” media world”. At the same time media ownership is increasing within both concentration and conglomeration (my 92).
Society is filled with many media outlets that depend on the economy. When looking into the aspect of the economy perspective of the media, is had been changing throughout history. The political economy preservative has two main aspects which are the cultural production and the cultural consumption (my 102). Examining the relationship between the structure of ownership and cultural production is very important when tying them together with political economist.
Trying to understand the importance of the changing patterns in media ownership is essential. The reading explored the aspects of concentration and conglomeration and how it has lead to an uproar in the media industry. Throughout history the media had changed dramatically. The main change had occurred in the structure of the media. The media has altered to the channels of “reality” television and has created a entirely new outlook on the media (pg104). It has created more profit for companies and has put a new preservative for new and more inventive twist on the media. As conglomeration increases the media space becomes filled with the ways of advertising and outlets of communication.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Magazine Cover

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Mid term Synopsis
In Chapter 3 from the Practices of Looking, the main points that were articulated throughout the chapter focused on gaze and spectatorship. Even though the reading was difficult, I tried to focus on the words on those to main words. As I tried to come up with an understand of why these words have so much power, I found a quote that struck me. “When we look at images, we look within a field that includes much more than just our own gaze and the image. This field includes, among other things, the medium through which we see the images and the architectural, cultural, national and institutional context in which we see the image” (Pg 93). This statement reminds me a lot of our last passage that we had to read, The Medium is the Message, by Marshall McLuhan. The Medium, which could be represented through multiple forms, such as newspapers, radio, cell phones, televisions, computers and many more have been used to express messages in so many different forms that it has left society wanting more. This quote is true, because we gaze and analyze the objects around us.
When reading the chapter, Modernity, it focuses on our senses and how we use them to grasp the attention of our surroundings. “Spectatorship allows us to talk about this broader context in which looking is enacted in an interactive, multimodal and relational field” (pg.93).. “The concepts of gaze and spectatorship remain important cornerstones of visual studies because they provide a set of terms and methods through which to consider some aspects of looking practices that the concepts on the view do not really allow us to consider in depth (Pg 102). I felt like this meant that these concepts are extremely important to use because they help people interpret, their surroundings, with both their conscious and unconscious mind. While reading it talked about how people “gaze” at certain types of medium, such as paintings and photography and how it creates the process of a person trying to see themselves in the picture at the point in time that in image is trying to capture. “In reacting to images of other human subjects, do we experience the person in the image or on the screen as a object of our desire? Or do we fanaticizes ourselves in the place of the person on the canvas or screen” (pg. 122). The term gaze may help people respond and allow people to become part of the subject. Allowing people to interpret their surroundings and have a reaction to what they are seeing creates the ability for having the feelings of being a part of the object they are looking at.
As the reading looks back on history, from the Enlightenment to today’s advertisements and big screen movies, it gives me as the reader a sense of the change over time that has shaped society into what it is today. The reading focused on how people as “spectators, view the subjects and objects that surround us everyday through multiple forms of media.
The concept of being a spectator requires people to engage and gaze at the objects that are in front of them. The understanding of the terms gaze and spectatorship will give the ability to grasp the depth of objects by truly stepping back and looking. As we practice looking we will connect with the world around us.
When reading the chapter, Modernity, it focuses on our senses and how we use them to grasp the attention of our surroundings. “Spectatorship allows us to talk about this broader context in which looking is enacted in an interactive, multimodal and relational field” (pg.93).. “The concepts of gaze and spectatorship remain important cornerstones of visual studies because they provide a set of terms and methods through which to consider some aspects of looking practices that the concepts on the view do not really allow us to consider in depth (Pg 102). I felt like this meant that these concepts are extremely important to use because they help people interpret, their surroundings, with both their conscious and unconscious mind. While reading it talked about how people “gaze” at certain types of medium, such as paintings and photography and how it creates the process of a person trying to see themselves in the picture at the point in time that in image is trying to capture. “In reacting to images of other human subjects, do we experience the person in the image or on the screen as a object of our desire? Or do we fanaticizes ourselves in the place of the person on the canvas or screen” (pg. 122). The term gaze may help people respond and allow people to become part of the subject. Allowing people to interpret their surroundings and have a reaction to what they are seeing creates the ability for having the feelings of being a part of the object they are looking at.
As the reading looks back on history, from the Enlightenment to today’s advertisements and big screen movies, it gives me as the reader a sense of the change over time that has shaped society into what it is today. The reading focused on how people as “spectators, view the subjects and objects that surround us everyday through multiple forms of media.
The concept of being a spectator requires people to engage and gaze at the objects that are in front of them. The understanding of the terms gaze and spectatorship will give the ability to grasp the depth of objects by truly stepping back and looking. As we practice looking we will connect with the world around us.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Mid-Term- Advertisements

The first advertisements I chose is the image for the single person representing a company. This shows a Gap advertisement. I could tell just by looking at the photograph that their motive was to have a celebrity to represent the "GAP" company. When this ad, first came out, it clearly stuck out in my mind. I was like, "That's John Mayer, I love him". This picture that it portrays, represents him as the object. He in the main focus in the advertisement it's not so much the clothes, that Gap is trying to sell, its the image that the celebrity is try to portray . When you look at the ad, one can tell that he is wearing the clothes, the clothes aren't wearing him. The way that this ad, expresses Gap's vision is clear, that the people can be confident in what they are wearing. When Gap, came out with multiple advertisements that had celebrities in them, they tried to send a message to their buyers, that Gap has reinvented themselves. The look that the series of ads. resembles is a mature and satisfied look, with a cool edge to represent Gap, as a new innovated company.
For the advertisement with two people, I decided to choose Absolut Vodka, because I have always enjoyed their creative twist that they put on their ads. As one looks at the advertisement one can see that the picture can catch a person eye very quickly because of the image that is being shown. The Absolut Vodka tag line is, "In an Absolut World", which means that in an "ideal" world, the advertisement shown, would be "ideal" in the world that we live in. Ironically, its not. The picture shows, a man carrying a baby, while the woman sips on her drink and is being carefree. The man's facial expressions is mad and angry, while the woman's is happy. In the world that we live in today, this situation is not what is being expressed in the ad, it is the opposite. The people are the subject in the ad, but the slogan is a reflection of the purpose that the Absolut Vodka company is trying to portray. Even though the people are the subject, viewers know the product trying to be sold. It is clearly represented through the slogan and the picture.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
The Medium is the Message
Marshall McLuhan's, theory of the Medium is the Message is an extensive view on the way that the media creates a new scale of innovation to our surroundings. In our culture, the way we connect with our audience needs to be creative and has to have to ability to capture the viewers attention, in a new and effective ways. As I was reading this passage I found a statement that stuck out to me, " We are too prone to make technological instruments the scapegoats for the sins of those who wield them. The products of modern science are not in themselves good or bad; it is the way they are used to determine their value.(pg.26) I feel like this statement, by the way I perceived it was that, people need to use the forms of technology in useful ways and not destroy the way we try and communicate messages through mass form of media such as, TV, Internet, ADS and etc. Before this mass medium of new innovation, we only knew the electric light, as a medium but with no message because it created no message, but did have a purpose. Today, our culture is filled with types of technologies that create the idea that the Medium is the Message, because it allows people to explore new pathways to be able to reach out to others in forms of communication. I felt like McLuhan, is trying to express that people need to be aware that form for media can affect our society. Its the content that should be focused on not the actual medium that it is being presented on.
Picking a new innovation in Technology, I would be able to list a few, but the one that really sticks out to me in my mind, would be the Internet. Today, we rely on the Internet for many task. We can read the new;s, look for information,email, shop, and so many more outlets that allow us to explore. The Internet gives the ability for people to create their own medium. In a way people can create their our medium by, allowing other people to see their ideas and views. It gives people the chance to be creative with what they can put on the Internet to try and reach out to the people surrounding them. Tonight, I was at an Advertising Club Meeting and we watched this great clip from this Adidas Campaign, and it just showed me, how the Internet can impact peoples lives and has the ability to reach out to people all over the world. It stated also, that they use the medium, like the Internet because some many people use the Internet on a daily basis. It just goes to show that the Internet is filled with many ways to express thoughts and ideas.
Cellphones,Internet, Television, Radio and other forms of Mass Media, creates the idea that the Media is the Message. Whats next? Who knows, our generation may be the next to think of great new way to communicate and create a new context of the word Medium. Its going to have to be much more innovated, but can it? I guess well have to see!
I thought that this passage given to us was difficult, but I gave my best interpretation on what I thought the Medium is the Message and how it came off to me.
Picking a new innovation in Technology, I would be able to list a few, but the one that really sticks out to me in my mind, would be the Internet. Today, we rely on the Internet for many task. We can read the new;s, look for information,email, shop, and so many more outlets that allow us to explore. The Internet gives the ability for people to create their own medium. In a way people can create their our medium by, allowing other people to see their ideas and views. It gives people the chance to be creative with what they can put on the Internet to try and reach out to the people surrounding them. Tonight, I was at an Advertising Club Meeting and we watched this great clip from this Adidas Campaign, and it just showed me, how the Internet can impact peoples lives and has the ability to reach out to people all over the world. It stated also, that they use the medium, like the Internet because some many people use the Internet on a daily basis. It just goes to show that the Internet is filled with many ways to express thoughts and ideas.
Cellphones,Internet, Television, Radio and other forms of Mass Media, creates the idea that the Media is the Message. Whats next? Who knows, our generation may be the next to think of great new way to communicate and create a new context of the word Medium. Its going to have to be much more innovated, but can it? I guess well have to see!
I thought that this passage given to us was difficult, but I gave my best interpretation on what I thought the Medium is the Message and how it came off to me.
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